Monday, June 21, 2010

Week 6/21 - 6/25

Monday: The trim and siding on the front of the house received an additional coat of paint while work on the siding on the South side of the house continued.

Tuesday: The bird blocks for the South side of the house were primed and painted and work continued on siding the South wall. Inside the house, the drywall received a coat of primer.

Wednesday: We nearly finished installing the siding on the South side of the house today. The French doors were trimmed and half of the bird blocks were installed. On the inside of the house the walls were textured.

Thursday: Most of the day was an office work day, but we did managed to install a few more pieced of siding, paint the trim around the French doors, and do a little priming under the eves.

Friday: We continued to prime under the eves, finished installing bird blocks, and began to apply paint under the eves.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Week 6/14 - 6/18

This week we spent more time working on the outside trim and siding while the drywall finishers worked inside.

Monday: AEL&P installed our electrical conduit from our temporary utility box to the house while we painted trim on front. We also primed some of the trim on rest of house and began installing siding on the back of the house.

Tuesday: More trim was painted on house and the trim for the garage entry door was installed. Finished siding on back. The remaining siding on the rear of the house was installed.

Wednesday: We took care of business at hardware stores for a good portion of the morning, then we headed to the school shop to assembled more trim. We also transported the last of the pre-painted siding from the shop to the house, and partially filled utility trench.

Thursday: Yet more trim was primed and painted, and Dan made a special guest appearance to help us fill the utility ditch further. On the back of the house we caulked the siding around windows and corner boards. The gutter downspouts installation was also finished. On the inside we framed for a plumbing access panel and installed the surrounding drywall. At the end of the day we removed our temporary power post and had the meter permanently hooked up to the house.

Friday: We made, primed, painted, and installed even more trim. A second coat of paint was applied to the siding on the back of the house, completing two of the four sides. The south side of the house had a few starter courses of siding installed. At the end of the day we met with the Land Trust and City to discuss the property for next year's project.

Press From Around The World!

Thank you to Mr. Eric Aubrey who sent us a copy of Stars and Stripes which featured our story that originally ran in the Juneau Empire. Mr. Aubrey, of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, found our story while stationed in Afghanistan.